With an old car it is not possible to avoid rust. Therefor Restoration Design has the ultimate selection of nuts, bolts, washers and hardware available for your 356, 911 & 914 models.
M8 - Metric 8mm Square Round Stud
M6 - Metric 6mm T Nut
M8 - Metric 8mm Square T Nut (Round Base)
M6 - Metric 6mm Flat Nut
M8 - Metric 8mm Square T Nut (4 embossments)
M8 - Metric 8mm Square Nut
M8 - Metric 8mm Hex Weld Nut
M6 - Metric 6mm Square Nut
M6 - Metric 6mm Round Stud
M10 - Metric 10mm Hex Weld Nut
M6 - Metric 6mm Square Nut Small Base
M6 - Metric 6mm Hex Weld Nut
M12 - Metric 12mm Hex Weld Nut
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